Wednesday 19 February 2014

The Political Party of the Digital Democrats


To create a true democratic society where people have the ability to effect a vote on every single decision made in parliament. To remove political power from a few and give it equally to every person regardless of variables such as race, age, social and economic status.


To create  "The Political Party of the Digital Democrats" whereby each and every subscriber to the party holds an equal share and say in decisions made by their elected member of parliament. Therefore removing corruption and the natural human instinct to serve the interest of themselves and their peers.


The simple yet elegant bitcoin protocol not only holds the ability to revolutionise the monetary system but it also has the potential to create something which has never happened on a large scale. That is the ability to make every member of society hold an opinion of equal value. We currently have a system where by we vote to elect an MP to represent us by voting on decisions in parliament . The problem is that this MP can vote as he pleases even if this is against the will of his constituents. If the people are against war there is little they can do to see concrete action taken. Let us use this example of war to help explain the principle of digital democracy.

Project Outline

Imagine the scenario where The Digital Democrats are running to win a seat as an MP for the area of Outer York. The candidate running is Roscoe Francis. They win by a land slide of 70 percent of votes. The same people who voted for Roscoe are all members of the party and hold an equal share of voting rights to all decisions made by roscoe in parliament. So when Roscoe goes to parliament to vote on whether the country should invade X or Y country then the vote goes to the members via the democratic protocol. Each and every member is issued with a voting right. This voting right makes them one node on the network. Double voting is impossible just as double spending is impossible with the bitcoin protocol. Each and every person on the network makes their vote via an app on their phone or computer and the final decision is made as a net result of those votes. If the majority say no then Roscoe enters into parliament and votes no. True democracy. Power to the people. Once the member is elected into parliament non members of the party can have their vote on issues in parliament by simply joining the party. It's self fulfilling and could quickly gather momentum. It is an add on to the current political system and if people wanted to go back to the old system they could vote for another party at the next election.


It would cost very little to implement this system. All that would be needed is a simple app available via the internet and a simple piece of software either intertwined into the current bitcoin protocol or developed as a standalone system. This current proposal is a theoretical proposal of the principle of digital democracy via a blockchain protocol and is not intended as a document on the technical workings of such an idea.


The only problem I can currently see with this system would be developing a method of ensuring that the elected MP votes as the parties members have requested. This could easily be solved if parliaments were to embrace the idea because the voting system within parliament could be
digitalised and open source. The problem is that the transition would be slow and met with
opposition. Until such time the Digital Democrats  MP's would need to be well selected and contractually obliged to obey the parties wishes when voting.